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🌟 10 Common Chinglish Mistakes and How to Fix Them 🌟

English learning can sometimes lead to mix-ups, especially with certain phrases or expressions. Here are 10 common Chinglish mistakes and the best ways to correct them, complete with examples to help you master English!

Count the mistakes to see how many you have been making!

I'll ask you when you finish reading. 😄🤘

1. Water Intake

Mistake: I drink too less water.

✅Correction: I don't drink enough water.

Explanation: In English, we often use "not enough" to express a deficiency.

2. Describing Ease

Mistake: You are easy to study.

✅Correction: It is easy for you to study.

Explanation: Instead of saying someone is easy to do something, it's clearer to express that an activity is easy for them.

3. Expressions of Gratitude

Mistake: I’m really thanks for your help.

✅Correction: I’m really thankful for your help.

Explanation: "Thankful" is the correct adjective to use when expressing gratitude.

4. Referring to People from Other Groups

Mistake: Other team’s people.

✅Correction: People from the other team.

Explanation: Use "from" to clarify belonging to groups or places.

5. Quantifying Problems

Mistake: Our problems are too many.

✅Correction: We have too many problems.

Explanation: "Have too many" is the natural way to express a large quantity of something.

6. Temporal References

Mistake: Yesterday night.

✅Correction: Last night.

Explanation: "Last night" is the standard way to refer to the evening of the day before today.

7. Receiving Services

Mistake: I cut my hair.

✅Correction: I got my hair cut.

Explanation: Use "get something done" to indicate that someone performed a service for you.

8. Describing Pain

Mistake: My back is so hurt.

✅Correction: My back hurts so much.

Explanation: Use "hurts" to describe pain in a part of the body.

9. Asking Questions

Mistake: Is any question need to ask?

✅Correction: Any questions?

Explanation: Keep it simple and direct when inviting questions.

10. Describing the Weather

Mistake: The sun is big.

✅Correction: The sun is strong.

Explanation: When talking about weather, "strong" is used to describe intense sun.

How many of these mistakes do you make?

  • 1-2

  • 3-5

  • 6-8

  • 9+

I know how it feels to make a mistake and feel bad about it. It's NORMAL, and I wanna tell you that you are doing a GREAT job. Which mistake have YOU been making? Let me know in the comments below. I wonder which one is the MOST common mistake.

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