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Rethinking Fluency: It's Not About Speed, It's About C*****

If you’ve ever equated fluency with the ability to speak quickly, it's time to rethink what it means to be fluent. True fluency isn’t about speed; and you'll understand a new perspective by the end of reading this post. Here is my honest thought about this overrated term, "fluency"

Fluency Misconceptions

Many of us grow up with the idea that to be fluent means to speak fast. This misconception can lead to a lot of frustration because when we try to speed up our speech, clarity often takes a backseat. Think about the professional speakers at TED Talks—they usually speak quite slowly. They pace their speech to ensure that the audience can grasp their ideas. This is a model we should emulate when learning a new language.

The Value of Mistakes in Learning

During my language learning journey with Spanish and Mandarin, I've come to appreciate that making mistakes is not just inevitable but incredibly valuable. Mistakes are a natural part of the learning process. They highlight what we don't know, which provides a clear direction for what we need to learn next.

Embrace the Pause

Struggling to find the right word is a common hurdle in language learning. It happens to me often, especially in my secondary languages. But rather than viewing this as a setback, I see it as striking gold. When you forget a word, it's an opportunity to learn it deeply, ensuring it sticks with you. This is how you move from intermediate to advanced levels—not by never making mistakes, but by leveraging them to build a robust vocabulary.

Practical Steps to Improve Your Fluency

  1. Slow Down: Speak deliberately. This doesn’t mean unnaturally slow, but at a pace that ensures clarity and comprehension.

  2. Welcome Mistakes: View each mistake as a learning opportunity. Instead of getting frustrated, analyze what went wrong and how you can improve.

  3. Consistent Practice: Regularly put yourself in situations where you can speak about a variety of topics. This constant practice will expose you to different vocabulary and expressions, enhancing your fluency.

Keep Digging for Gold

Language learning is like digging for gold. Sometimes you dig and find nothing, but every so often, you hit gold —in our case, a valuable new word or phrase that enhances our speaking ability. Consistency in your practice is crucial; the more you speak, the more opportunities you have to learn from your mistakes.

Join the Conversation

I’m not just here to share advice—I’m on this journey with you. If you have any questions about achieving fluency or if you want to share your own experiences, I would love to hear from you. Engage with me in the comments, or reach out on Instagram.

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