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Why Learning Mandarin Was Almost a Huge Mistake: A Teacher's Shocking Revelation!

Updated: Apr 18

The Journey Begins: Embracing Mandarin

Starting to learn Mandarin was a decision inspired by practicality and a bit of advice from my mentor. Since I'm teaching on a platform in Taiwan, and many users there speak Mandarin, it seemed like a smart move to attract more students and maybe earn a bit more.

First Steps and Hurdles

So, I kicked things off with Duolingo. Money was tight, and it felt like a fun, cost-effective way to start. At first, it was great, and I was really into it. But then, it . Every time I tried out my new phrases with my students, they'd tell me they sounded old-fashioned – like something out of a textbook. It was way too formal. That was a bit of a downer.

I started questioning the whole thing, wondering if I was just wasting my time, especially since my main goal was to earn from it.

The Undying Challenge of Mandarin

Despite this, I couldn't shake off the challenge of learning Mandarin. It's such a widely spoken language, and I've always enjoyed picking up new languages – I'm already fluent in English and Spanish. Mandarin felt like the next big step, a way to connect with even more people globally and maybe open some new doors in my career.

Searching for the Right Path

But finding the right way to learn wasn't easy. I tried a few teachers, but many lacked patience or started off too advanced for me. I felt lost and frustrated. Once, a friend from Beijing even offered me free classes. But he wasn't a teacher, and our sessions were pretty aimless. We'd hop on Zoom, and he'd ask what I wanted to learn. I had no idea – I was just starting out! Eventually, we stopped those sessions because I wasn't making any progress.

Have you ever lost hope learning English?

  • Yes, I have felt like giving up before

  • No, I always feel focused and motivated

A Turning Point: Finding the Right Teacher

Then, things started to look up. I found an amazing teacher who specializes in teaching beginners. She's patient, understanding, and uses techniques like TPR (Total Physical Response) and comprehensible input. This approach was a game-changer for me. Suddenly, Mandarin wasn't just a series of sounds and symbols; it started to make sense.

Beyond Language Learning: A Personal Mission

This journey isn't just about adding another language to my skill set. It's about connecting with my students on a deeper level, showing them I understand the challenges of learning a tough language, and proving that my methods work. I don't want people to underestimate me because I'm young. Plus, the thought of surprising someone with a well-spoken Mandarin sentence and seeing their reaction is just too cool.

Dreaming Big: International Connections

My ultimate goal? To hold international events, maybe even dinners with students and colleagues, and share stories and laughs in Mandarin. I dream of traveling across Asia, and speaking Mandarin fluently would make that experience so much richer. It's a dream I'm chasing to turn into reality.


  • Embrace Challenges: 

    • Learning Mandarin showcased the value of stepping out of your comfort zone.

  • Right Tools Matter: 

    • Not all learning apps or methods are equally effective; find what works for you.

  • Formality vs. Practicality:

    •  Be aware that textbook phrases might not always align with contemporary, conversational use.

  • Persistence Pays Off: 

    • Overcoming initial hurdles is part of the language learning journey.

  • Seek the Right Mentor:

    •  A patient, beginner-focused teacher can change your learning trajectory.

  • Learning is Connecting:

    •  Language skills enhance your ability to connect with others on a deeper level.

  • Set Clear Goals: 

    • Having a dream or goal, like holding international events, can motivate your learning.

  • Avoid Common Pitfalls: 

    • Learn from my experiences to navigate your language learning more smoothly.


🤔 Now, I’m Curious About Your Experiences! 

Have you ever embarked on a language learning adventure and found yourself facing unexpected challenges or hilarious mix-ups? Maybe it was pronouncing a word in a way that left everyone in stitches, or perhaps a phrase you learned didn’t quite translate the way you thought in real-life conversations. Share your stories below! Whether it’s Mandarin, English, or any other language, I’d love to hear about the moments that made your journey memorable. Let's learn from each other's adventures and keep pushing towards our language goals together. Can't wait to read your tales! 🌍✨💬


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Learning English with me means more than just words; it's about growing confident, making new friends, and exploring new opportunities. Eager to get started?

Reach out at, and let’s start this exciting adventure together! 🌈✉️📘

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